The Complete Guide to Property Title Search ServicesA property title search is a document that certifies ownership and encumbrances on a property. It protects the individual or company who is buying or selling land.There are different types of searches:- Local Title Search- Recorder's Search (National Title Search)- Land Records Search (County Titl… Read More

What is a Property Title Search and Why is it Important?A property title search is a process of ensuring that the property a person is looking to buy does not have any liens or other legal issues. This will protect the buyer from future risk and help them get their money’s worth.A property title search can be done by either the seller or buyer of… Read More

Title Search ServicesIt is common practice among investors to perform a title search on any property they want to buy and sell. This is because the title search is one of the crucial steps to facilitate a smooth transfer of property. While purchasing a property, a title search can help you identify all liens, encumbrances, and deficiencies that may… Read More